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Baby Week by Week

You have a baby now. Congratulations! You’ll almost certainly spend the months ahead thinking about your baby week by week development. What is the physical appearance of your infant? Is he or she a substantial individual? When will the initial kick occur?

baby week by week development

Are you looking for a baby week by week development guide? You have arrived at the correct location! We’ve compiled a wealth of expert-approved information on each week and trimester, including updates on your growing baby and changes to anticipate for yourself.

Your infant grows and develops continuously from conception till childbirth. Your baby develops through several stages, first as a blastocyst, then as an embryo, and finally as a foetus. Around week 5, your baby’s heart will begin to beat, by week 27, they will have normal sleep and wake cycles, and by week 39, your kid will be physically grown. Utilize this timeline to determine the size of your baby and the rate at which they develop throughout pregnancy.

First Trimester – Pregnant Period

Following fertilisation and implantation, a newborn is initially only an embryo: two layers of cells from which all the organs and body parts grow. Your baby will swiftly grow to the size of a kidney bean and will be constantly on the move. The heart begins to beat rapidly, and the intestines begin to develop. Earlobes, eyelids, lips, and nose of your growing boy or girl are also developing.

Fertilisation at 2nd week:

You ovulate at the beginning of this week. If a sperm reaches your egg, it becomes fertilised 12–24 hours later. Over the following several days, when the fertilised egg travels down the fallopian tube, enters the uterus, and begins to burrow into the uterine lining, it will begin dividing into numerous cells.

Implantation at 3rd baby week by week development:

A minuscule ball of hundreds of rapidly proliferating cells that will develop into your baby is now snuggled in the nutrient-rich lining of your uterus. This cluster of cells, dubbed a blastocyst, has begun producing the pregnancy hormone hCG, which instructs your ovaries to cease releasing eggs.

Week – 4

Your spherical mass of cells is now an embryo. You are around four weeks past the start of your previous menstruation. Around this time – when your next period would typically occur – you may be able to obtain a positive pregnancy test result.

Your baby week by week development is like a poppy seed in size.

Week – 5

Your infant looks more like a tadpole than a human, yet it is rapidly growing. The circulatory system is taking shape, and this week, the small “heart” will begin to beat.

Your infant is no larger than a sesame seed in size.

Week – 6

Your baby’s nose, mouth, and ears are beginning to form, as are his or her intestines and brain.

Your infant is lentil-sized.

Week – 7

Your infant has grown in size by a factor of two in the previous week, yet retains a tail that will soon go. From the growing arms and legs, little hands and feet that resemble paddles are sprouting.

Your infant is no larger than a blueberry.

Week – 8

Your baby has begun to move, though you will not be aware of it at this point. Nerve cells develop basic neural circuits when they branch. Their throats and growing lungs are now connected by breathing tubes.

Your infant is around the length of a kidney bean.

Week – 9

Although your baby’s fundamental structure is growing (they already have little earlobes), there is still plenty more to come. Their embryonic tail has vanished and they weigh less than an ounce, but they are ready to begin rapidly increasing weight.

Your infant measures around the size of a grape.

Week – 10

Your embryo has reached the last stage of development. Their skin is still transparent, but their small limbs are beginning to flex and minute characteristics such as nails are forming.

The size of your infant is comparable to that of a kumquat.

Week – 11

Your newborn is nearly complete. They’re kicking, stretching, and even hiccupping as their diaphragm grows, though you can’t feel it.

Your infant baby week by week development is in fig’s size.

Week – 12

Your baby’s reflexes begin to develop this week: Their fingers will soon begin to open and close, their toes will curl, and their lips will begin to make sucking movements, but you will not feel them.

Your infant is lime-sized now.

Week – 13

This week concludes the first trimester of your pregnancy. Your baby’s little fingers have developed fingerprints, and its veins and organs are visible through their skin. If you’re expecting a female, her ovaries contain over 2 million eggs.

Your newborn is around the size of a pea pod.